2-3 Year Old Room
The 2 year old room at Rainbows Days Care is a caring and stimulating environment for young children up to the age of 3, where they are free to experiment and explore whilst following the 7 areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Development Matters.
The room is set up to support children’s learning and development which matches the interests of the
children. The low level furniture allows children to access resources independently and has space for
construction and imaginative play. The children have their own quiet area to develop a love of reading in the book corner with comfy cushions.
Children are encouraged to have meal times together where they learn appropriate social skills. Children also have drinking water throughout the day which they can access independently at any time.
In this room your child will be enjoying new opportunities for exploration, seizing new challenges and
activities as their curiosity and coordination continue to grow. They will be starting to show self-selection, with relationship skills beginning to emerge. Encouraged by our attentive, warm caring Day Care team, your child’s sense of self and expression becomes more prominent as their confidence builds together with their quickly growing lively vocabulary.
3-4 Year Old Room
This room is for all children who are three years old up to school age. The room is defined into areas of the EYFS to enhance and support children’s learning and development focussing on the interests of the children. They will be given the necessary support to become independent and confident learners by having a range of experiences, resources and tools to ensure all children are prepared for school.
The pre-school room has defined areas for ICT with ipads and a computer, maths, writing, reading area and imaginative play area. Sand and water area, creative area and role-play areas are based in the large communal area.
Throughout the day, there is a combination of focused adult led experiences, opportunities to practice letters and numbers and opportunities for the children to choose their own activities. The planned experiences are repeated throughout the week to allow children time to repeat, practice and extend their skills, which matches the interests of the children.
Our Pre-school staff use Phase 1 of the phonics system Letters and Sounds which will support the children’s early listening and reading skills ready for when they move onto school.
The staff are supportive of and recognise individual children’s learning and provide Key Group time with their Key Person throughout the day to prepare children in readiness for starting school.
The staff work with the children to embed listening, communication, behaviour and confidence. This is
achieved through play and by challenging children’s thinking.
Shared Spaces
At Rainbows Day Care we have a separate communal area for our creative play, which includes sand and water play, an easel for painting, drawing, whiteboard and blackboard (to encourage early writing skills) and an investigation area. We also have a large role play area to stimulate children’s imagination and co operative play which can be whatever the children want it to be from a home corner to a prince/princess castle.
There is also has an area for children to explore musical instruments.
We work in partnership with parents to ensure that all children are happy and have the necessary skills for them to reach their full potential.
Learning & Play
All children are individuals and learn with others through play. At Rainbows Day Care we recognise the
importance of a play-based curriculum which meets all the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum(EYFS)and Development Matters Early Years. It supports all aspects of their learning and development whilst encouraging children’s in-built curiosity and desire to make sense of the world around them and helps them to discover that learning is interesting and fun.
Rainbows Day Care also believe that children learn through using their senses so we include lots of fun texture and messy play for children to explore, investigate and create little masterpieces of their own.
We deliver the EYFS and Development Matters Early Years in a number of ways through:
* Water, sand and malleable experiences e.g playdough —- Mark Marking —- Stories, rhymes and songs
* Creative play —- Exploring and investigating science and nature — Dance, music and sensory experiences
* Construction and small world —- Large and fine motor skills experiences —- Literacy and numeracy skills —-
* Letters and Sounds for our older children.
GymExplorers Play
Children during physical play time throughout the day will have access to Fundamental Movement Academy’s equipment in the gym and explorers area, where they are free to climb and explore as they learn about their own body. This time allows the children to use their gross motor skills which are important to everyday physical activities like walking, running, throwing, lifting, kicking and special awareness.
Outdoor Play
In line with OFSTED Guidance ALL children go outside daily to ensure that they get regular fresh air and exposure to a range of different stimuli irrelevant of the weather. We are fortunate to be located in close proximity to a play park and a very rich wooded area to explore nature at its best.
At Rainbows Day Care we will encourage our children to access all the facilities we have in our surrounding area from the nature centre to the old steam railway.
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